Tree Lighting


The tradition of lighting trees on Park Avenue began in 1945 when several Park Avenue families wanted a special way to honor those men and women who had died in World War II. Today the illuminated trees – which appear on the malls between 54th and 97th Streets – remain a symbol of peace and a reminder of the sacrifices made to attain it.

In the early days, the cost of the Tree Lighting was underwritten by a few families but now this sparkling display is made possible each year by contributions The Fund for Park Avenue receives from the community.

Make a contribution now!

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Thank you to everyone listed here who made the 2023 Tree Lighting possible.

A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the Annual Park Avenue Tree Lighting. When the 104 fir trees arrive in November, the month-long installation process – condensed into this 3.5 minute video begins. Video & photography by Jim Cummins
Tree Lighting
Park Avenue Tree Lighting